Science of Agorism

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Decentralize knowledge | Science for liberation | Matter over myth | Join the counter-economy | No gods, no bosses, just action | Destroy binaries, embrace post-structuralism | Empower the people, not the capital | Agora, anarchy, action!
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Agorism is not only an ideology, but also a scientific and definitely materialistic way of thinking. It is not a religious point of view, but safeguards the complete freedom to be moral, just as it has little desire to marginalise one's religious beliefs, unless they lead to enslavement. Agorism rejects ‘true believers’ as blind followers. Like any scientific mode of thought, agorism will involve our understanding of reality. One who holds faith in something that has been proven false is not an agorist, even if that something was once one of the tenets of agorism.

Reality is our standard. Nature is our lawgiver.

What is Agorism?
Theory of Market Types
Revolution: Our Strategy
Agorist Class Theory
Intellectual Property
Photo of SEK3

About SEK3

Samuel Edward Konkin III, known as SEK3 or Sam Konkin (8 July 1947, Saskatchewan, Canada - 23 February 2004, Los Angeles, USA), was an American libertarian philosopher, author of the New Libertarian Manifesto and originator of agorism, a form of anarchism based on ‘counter-economics’ rather than political action. Editor of publications such as New Libertarian, he saw libertarianism as a left-wing revolutionary movement. He rejected suffrage, punishment and corporate hierarchy, advocating anti-capitalist free markets and restitution as justice. Founder of the Agorist Institute and the Movement of Libertarian Left, his ideas influenced works of science fiction such as Alongside Night.

SEK3 Writings